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Have a Heart for Seniors and Their Caregivers

Join your colleagues in Olympia on February 14

This week, we are grateful to providers who have committed to coming to Olympia on February 14 to meet with legislators and/or participate in the Have a Heart for Seniors rally to highlight the need for sustainable funding for skilled nursing and assisted living care.

Advocates will gather at the hospitality tent on the Capitol steps starting at 11:00 a.m. At noon, legislative champions have been invited to provide their perspectives on the importance of your work. The hospitality tent will be open until 4:00 p.m., and we will be inviting legislators, staff, and the public to stop by for refreshments.

WHCA, LeadingAge and SEIU 775 are co-sponsoring this important advocacy event. We are counting on you to join us—and will support you in your effort. When you pre-register, our team will reach out to schedule legislator appointments and to provide you with the resources you need to be successful. We look forward to seeing you there!



Help spread the word and draw a crowd! Download the Have a Heart rally flyer and impact kit and send a powerful message to legislators at this advocacy event.

Download Rally FlyerRally Impact Kit

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